Why Do Customers Leave?

It is a question that haunts marketing executives and business owners. Everything will seem to be going well with the customer/company relationship. Then, it happens. The customer goes away. There wasn’t a warning, a complaint, a farewell. One day the customer simply stops shopping with your company.

The reasons why customers stop buying are as varied as the individuals themselves. Sometimes you can identify a trend, but most of the time, you won’t ever know why your customer left.

Maybe the question should be “why do customers stay?” After all, this is what you want them to do. If you know why your best customers are loyal year after year, it will give you insight on how to keep others coming back.

The multichannel marketplace is becoming increasingly competitive. The low entry fee for starting an online business guarantees a continuous source of new competitors. If your business isn’t meeting your customers’ expectations, someone else will sooner or later.

So, why do your customers keep buying from you?

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